Full advice - beginning to end for everything
Connected Entities and Affiliates
Small Business Participation Percentage
Significant Individuals and CGT Concession Stakeholders
Maximum Net Asset Value Test
CGT Small Business Entity Test
Active Asset Test
Additional Tests for Shares in a Company or Units in a Unit Trust
Additional Test for Rights or Interests in Relation to the Income or Capital of a Partnership
Small Business 15-year Exemption
Small Business 50% Reduction
Small Business Roll-Over and CGT events J5, J6 and J2
Small Business Retirement Exemption
Interaction between the Small Business CGT Concessions and Deceased Estates
Interaction between the Small Business CGT Concessions and Marriage Breakdowns
Interaction between the Small Business CGT Concessions and Look-Through Earnout Arrangements
Interaction between the Small Business CGT Concessions and Superannuation Contributions
Business Owners
Pay less income tax
Defer paying income tax
Getting cash out of entities tax-effectively
Contribute additional amounts into superannuation
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How Much Could I Save?
- 27 January 2021
You can generally save up to $1,000,000 in income tax, and even more in some circumstances. This videos runs through a couple of examples.
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