Small Business CGT Concessions: What they are, the criteria and the benefits to you.

What are the Small Business CGT Concessions? 

The Small Business CGT Concessions are an often underutilised tax concession that can disregard capital gains on the sale or transfer of a small business asset or an interest in an entity (such as shares in a company) that owns or owned small business assets. They are available when the asset is sold or transferred, and certain eligibility requirements are met.

There are four different Small Business CGT Concessions. They are:

Learn more about the Small Business CGT Concessions here.

What are the eligibility criteria?

To take advantage of the Small Business CGT Concessions:

There are additional eligibility requirements for the small business 15-year exemption and the small business retirement exemption.

How can Small Business CGT Concession be of benefit to you?

Essentially, if you have a large capital gain you can save yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars, even millions of dollars, by taking advantage of the Small Business CGT Concessions.

Getting the most out of the Small Business CGT Concessions requires specialist technical knowledge and strong problem solving skills. But, they can deliver an extremely lucrative outcome… when done right…

But don’t just take our word for it. Here is a case study that presents an example of the real results of our work.

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