Acceptance of Terms and Conditions and provision of Payment details

Please complete the below form to accept the Terms and Conditions and to provide your payment details.

By accepting the Terms and Conditions you will enter into an agreement with us (Tax Advisory Specialists Pty Limited trading as Small Business CGT Concessions Specialists) for the provision of tax advisory services (the "Agreement"). The Terms and Conditions apply to any services we provide to you. The terms and conditions form the entire agreement between us in relation to the services. They replace any earlier agreements, representations or discussions.

Fees will be charged in accordance with your Proposal.

All fees will be processed by Braintree, a division of PayPal Inc, with payment options including Visa, MasterCard and PayPal.

Your payment details will be encrypted and securely stored by Braintree. We do not store or have access to your payment details.

First Name *
Please Fill Out This Field
Last Name *
Please Fill Out This Field
Email Address *
Please Fill Out This Field
Mobile Phone *
Please Fill Out This Field
Legal Entity for Purpose of the Engagement *
(this is the legal entity that would be entering into the agreement for the provision of the services)
Please Fill Out This Field
Reference Code (from Proposal) *
Please Fill Out This Field
Confirmations *

Thank you for completing the form
